You are here: I cannot see the "Enter Registration Code" button in the configuration screen of the starmessage screensaver.

I cannot see the "Enter Registration Code" button in the configuration screen of the starmessage screensaver.

The most common reason why you do not see this button is that you have the StarMessage Special Edition which comes without this button.

You can easily see which version you have:
1) Go to the configuration screen of the screensaver.
[START] (the start button of windows)
-> [Control panel]
-> [Display]
-> [Screen saver]
-> press [Settings]

2) Look at the title of the window, it should say something like:
StarMessage v3.1 Trial
StarMessage v3.1
StarMessage v3.1 Special Edition

If you have the Special Edition, download the latest free trial from the homepage and put the activation code from the configuration screen.